Overseas Order Management Dept.
Don't give up and don't give in. |
It must be nice to be back home. |
Success is actually simple when you are about to fail to hold, hang on a bit longer. |
Success is waking up in the morning, so excited about what you have to do.
There's no rhyme or reason to this life.There's no rhyme or reason to this life. |
“改天请你吃饭”,那么,改天到底是哪一天?! |
且慢下手大多数的同仁都很兴奋,因为单位里调来了一位新主管,据说是个能人,专门被派来整顿业务。可是,日子一天天过去,新主管却毫无作为,每天彬彬有礼进办公室后,便躲在里面难得出门。那些紧张得要死的坏份子,现在反而更猖獗了。他哪里是个能人,根本就是个老好人,比以前的主管更容易唬。 |
东施效颦。Monkey see, monkey do. |
也不知道从哪时候开始倒计时才是对的,怪阴晴不定 |
买来新的餐具可以先放在盐水中煮一下,这样可以使其不易破裂。 |