Love never changes. At the age of seventeen, they met and fell in love. At twenty-seven, they got married. At thirty-seven, they had two babies. If there's one regret in this relationship, it's not snacking together at the age of seven.
Overseas Order Management Dept.

爱是岁月不移。十七岁相知相恋,二十七岁领证结婚,三十七岁有俩baby。如果说这段感情里有什么遗憾的话,那就是没能在七岁时一起偷吃零食。 |
其实没人能告诉你,放弃一个人到底应该怎么做,你只能自己熬过无数黑漆漆的夜晚,然后第二天照常起床,假装什么事也没发生。No one can tell you how to give someone up . You have to go through countless dark nights and get up the next day pretending nothing has happened. |
生活如果没有目标,就会变得懒散。一旦决定“今天这样做”,生活一下子就会张弛有度。If you have no purpose in life, you will become lazy. Once you decide to "do it today," your life will suddenly become balanced. |
我知道这个世界很复杂,生活也不是那么美好。但还是希望你,即使看过肮脏与不堪,也依然保持一颗向往积极与温暖的心,至少让自己做一个好人。I know the world is complicated and life isn't that good. But I still hope that you, even if you have seen dirty and filthy, still keep a yearning for positive and warm heart, at least you should be a good man. |
当你尚在年少,你受的苦,吃的亏,担的责,扛的罪,忍的痛,到最后都会变成光,照亮你的路。When you are young, the pain you suffer, the loss you suffer, the responsibility you bear, the sin you bear and the pain you endure will eventually become light and illuminate your way. |
你很重要,这句话的意思是,即使我们不见面不联系,心里面也总会留一个位置安安稳稳的放着你。You are very important, this sentence means, even if we do not meet and contact each other, my heart will always leave a place to put you safely. |
当你真正想等一个人,根本不会等不起,只怕等不到。When you really want to wait for someone, you can't afford to wait, just in case he won't arrive. |
百般的委屈涌上心头,话到嘴边却不值一提。All kinds of grievances welled up in my heart, but I can't say it when it comes to my mouth. |
An adult's cushion comes from his savings in a bank card成年人的底气是银行卡里的存款给的。 |
There's no dishonor in losing the race, there's only dishonor in not race because you're afraid to lose.输掉比赛没什么丢脸的,但是因为怕输就放弃比赛,才是最丢脸的。 |