Overseas Order Management Dept.
From archive:
July 2020
狐狸发现一窝鸡 |
同是两根竹子同是两根竹子,一支做成了笛子,一支做成了晾衣杠。晾衣杠不服气的问笛子:我们都是同一片山上的竹子,凭什么我天天日晒雨淋,不值一文。而你却价值千金呢?笛子回答说:因为你只挨了一刀,而我却经历了千刀万剐,精雕细做,晾衣杠此时沉默了。人生亦是如此,经得起打磨,耐得起寂寞,扛得起责任,肩负起使命,人生才会有价值。看见别人辉煌的时候,不要嫉妒,因为别人付出的比你多。 |
人人都是大忙人人人都是大忙人。忙着长大,弄丢了纯真。忙着赚钱,忽略了思想。忙着成功,错过了风景。岁月中的营养,匆忙间吃成了果腹的快餐。那些光阴里本该难忘的故事,就这样紧追快赶,没能抓住我们的影子。人生路,谁也来不了第二次。走慢一些、看细一点。别太急,其实你没那么赶时间。 |
Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. That's why you work hard. |
To live is to open roads in mountains and build bridges in waters. Life, you give me pressure, I also you miracle! |
Don't worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present. |
Rather than pretending to influence others, it's better to grind your teeth and repair yourself. |
No one will pay for your future. You either try to climb up or rot in the mud at the bottom of society. That's life. |
youhavetobelieveinyourself.that'sthesecretofsuccess. |
Great minds have purpose, others have wishes. |