Although unhappy, always not warm, but very happy. 纵使不幸福,总是不温暖,但是很快乐。

Although unhappy, always not warm, but very happy. 纵使不幸福,总是不温暖,但是很快乐。 |
The love you give will never be returned. It's better to live alone to old age. 付出的爱永远得不到回报,那还不如自己孤孤单单活到老。The love you give will never be returned. It's better to live alone to old age. 付出的爱永远得不到回报,那还不如自己孤孤单单活到老。 |
Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you have to go forward. 人生就像骑自行车,要想保持平衡就得向前走。Life is like riding a bicycle. If you want to keep balance, you have to go forward. 人生就像骑自行车,要想保持平衡就得向前走。 |
It wasn't the alarm clock that woke me up the next day. In fact, it was still a dream. 第二天叫醒我的不是闹钟,其实,还是梦想。It wasn't the alarm clock that woke me up the next day. In fact, it was still a dream. 第二天叫醒我的不是闹钟,其实,还是梦想。 |
When your talent can't sustain your ambition, you should calm down and study. 当你的才华撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心学习了。When your talent can't sustain your ambition, you should calm down and study. 当你的才华撑不起你的野心时,那你就应该静下心学习了。 |
What kind of personality a person has, what kind of world he has. 一个人拥有什么样的性格,就拥有什么样的世界。What kind of personality a person has, what kind of world he has. 一个人拥有什么样的性格,就拥有什么样的世界。 |
Don't care too much about your appearance, because ability can't be written on your face. 不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上。Don't care too much about your appearance, because ability can't be written on your face. 不要太在乎自己的长相,因为能力不会写在脸上。 |
The greatest talent of great achievers is that they can persevere in putting ideas into practice. 巨大成就的人,最大的天赋就是:他们可以执着将想法付诸实践。The greatest talent of great achievers is that they can persevere in putting ideas into practice. 巨大成就的人,最大的天赋就是:他们可以执着将想法付诸实践。 |
The hardest game to play is that when it's your turn to play, the rules change, and that's often the case in life. 最不好玩的游戏就是:轮到你上场时,规则却改变了,人生经常如此。The hardest game to play is that when it's your turn to play, the rules change, and that's often the case in life. 最不好玩的游戏就是:轮到你上场时,规则却改变了,人生经常如此。 |
Some people may be good, but not necessarily for you. 有些人他可能很好,但不一定适合你Some people may be good, but not necessarily for you. 有些人他可能很好,但不一定适合你 |